Thursday, April 8, 2021

Americas Cup

 LI: To use our reading strategies and smart searching skills to find out about the America's Cup.

Today, LS2 and LS1 worked together to complete a research and comprehension task. The information we found out was around the history of the America’s Cup yacht race.

We started the task by discussing what we already know about the America’s Cup in our groups. Each group had a mix of LS2 and LS1 students. We wrote down what we already knew in bullet-point notes using pieces of paper. Then as a class, we read an article giving helpful information about the America’s Cup. We continued to write notes on what pieces of information we didn’t know.

After this, we used our notes and wrote down 20 keywords relating to the America’s Cup. We used our notes to find these keywords. We then chose 6 of the most important keywords from the list. Using those 6 keywords, we wrote a paragraph summary giving detailed information about the events and history on the America’s Cup yacht races.

We really enjoyed this activity because it allowed us to learn more about a new topic and we

were able to practice sharing our prior knowledge as well as making and using our notes.

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