Thursday, April 15, 2021

Making Connection

There are three connections when your reading they can help more about the topic,

The text to self means making a connection that happend inside of the book or something simaler that happend in real life, an example; The duck tricked the rat into the cave,my connection is when I the duck retured the food to the villagers. I give my sister my food because she was complaining as I was eating so I give my siter some food.

An example of a text to text; The duck tells the rat she has a sister in a cave the duck was trying to aviod being eaten this is like the lilttle girl in red riding hood she was trying to avoid getting eaten by the wolf.

Text to word is somthing that happend in the story  that could happend that could also happend happend in the real world  for example; the duck gave some horese some water because she felt sad for the duck I saw a man give some water to a poor man in the streers and the poor man looked happy these connect because the duck gave gave some water to the horse and the man did that but to the poor man.

These three conntections help understand the text.


Teamwork is a term to describe a group of people working together to achieve a goal.

Teamwork consists of three main mechanisms. 

Communication is were you talk to people.  For example in dodgeball you need to communicate to your team mates who to target.

Cooperation is being a succesful team by working together at all the time to win a goal, for example dodgeball your teamates could hand you a ball to hit the other person on the other team.

Collabration is working together to be susccessful or finish something.An example when player in a dodgeball game your team collabrate and work together in a game to win togther. 

To be successful as a team all three mechanisms need to be implemented throyghout.

Tuesday, April 13, 2021

About Marcc

Marcc is a role mode.

He had been in prision for a few year's then he got out of prision with his school certificate.

Then he got a job, he did boxing, then diploma in a business.

He worked for Bunnings fitting out their stores. Now he is a manager of the largest store in Hamilton.

Last he went back to university to beccome a counsellor. 

Thursday, April 8, 2021


Multipcation is a fast way of puting large unknown numbers in to gruops. The two, five and ten times tables are exmples of multipcation.

The two time tables are multiplying two by a number of gruops.

The five time table are multiplying five by a number of groups.

The ten time table are multiplying ten by a number of group.

The times tables are an easy way of remembering basic multipcation equations. The next times tables to learn are the there, four, and six, times tables.

Character Trait

Character Trait is a describing the actions of a character using adjectives. In the story the Highway Raty there are 3 characters that can be inferred about.

The duck is in a story called the highway rat, she is a intelligent duck. she is a cleaver,smart,intallagent because she helps people and she also helps her friends and family.

Inferring is a startegy to show an understanding about how or why characters to do things

Americas Cup

 LI: To use our reading strategies and smart searching skills to find out about the America's Cup.

Today, LS2 and LS1 worked together to complete a research and comprehension task. The information we found out was around the history of the America’s Cup yacht race.

We started the task by discussing what we already know about the America’s Cup in our groups. Each group had a mix of LS2 and LS1 students. We wrote down what we already knew in bullet-point notes using pieces of paper. Then as a class, we read an article giving helpful information about the America’s Cup. We continued to write notes on what pieces of information we didn’t know.

After this, we used our notes and wrote down 20 keywords relating to the America’s Cup. We used our notes to find these keywords. We then chose 6 of the most important keywords from the list. Using those 6 keywords, we wrote a paragraph summary giving detailed information about the events and history on the America’s Cup yacht races.

We really enjoyed this activity because it allowed us to learn more about a new topic and we

were able to practice sharing our prior knowledge as well as making and using our notes.

Thursday, April 1, 2021

Fact or Opinion

First I listed to the story about the highway rat. Fact is some think you already know.Opinion is what you think it looks like. 

After I found  some facts about the highway rat I did the same thing  but in a google doc and did some fact and opinion.

It was hard to do because it took me a long time to do.



I did a group task to learn how multiplication works. 

First my group and I got some unknown counters in a cup. 

Then I got the counters out of the cup and put them into groups of 2, 5, or 11. Multiplication Is a faster way of putting numbers into group.

After that I work on doing the pictures and the numbers.

I enjoyed doing multiplication because it helped me see how groups of numbers work. It showed me a fast way to add the same number.