There are three connections when your reading they can help more about the topic,
The text to self means making a connection that happend inside of the book or something simaler that happend in real life, an example; The duck tricked the rat into the cave,my connection is when I the duck retured the food to the villagers. I give my sister my food because she was complaining as I was eating so I give my siter some food.
An example of a text to text; The duck tells the rat she has a sister in a cave the duck was trying to aviod being eaten this is like the lilttle girl in red riding hood she was trying to avoid getting eaten by the wolf.
Text to word is somthing that happend in the story that could happend that could also happend happend in the real world for example; the duck gave some horese some water because she felt sad for the duck I saw a man give some water to a poor man in the streers and the poor man looked happy these connect because the duck gave gave some water to the horse and the man did that but to the poor man.
These three conntections help understand the text.