Thursday, February 25, 2021

Basic Facts Sheets

 I started by finding number bonds, and doubles, using uni link cubes.

Then I Created a chart using google sheet.

While finding out some basic facts using uni link cubes. Then I recorded the Basic Facts on the chart.

Lastly  I created a chart by using spreadsheet and short cuts like copy (Ctrl+C) and paste (Ctrl+V) and selection dragging to quickly fill in the repeated information.

It was fun because it helped me learn more about basic facts.    

LI: to learn number bonds and doubles.

1 comment:

  1. Malo lei lei Genesis,
    I saw your basic fact chart. I have done this last year but I did multiplication. Can you please put the learning attention at the top next time so that I can know what you learnt and did. Genesis you did really amazing work on your basic fact chart. Do you think you can do more basic fact work but a little bit harder like by doing multiplication or subtraction?


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