Wednesday, September 22, 2021

SSR Selfie

 I read a fiction book called shitfing views.

I read 12 pages. The main character is the drone.

In the story it explains how a drone works and the pieces of the drone it also explaines how 

you power it.

Monday, September 20, 2021

Steps Web

 Today I did Steps web the activity was word search.  I had to find the words and highlight them.


Second I did sentence builder were heaps heaps of words are spread out and you have to make a sentence out of the words.

I enjoyed this activity because some times i learn new words and it helps me spell new words as well. 

Tuesday, September 14, 2021

SSR Selfie

 I read a School Journal May 2016

It is about  Fact, Poems,Articles, Stories.

I enjoyed the storie about maui because it helps me learn more maori words in it and about fish.

Tuesday, September 7, 2021


My group and I did an activity called madlilbs. we have to write down a name, Friends name, City and Monster.

First we worte down a name that was Jack. 

Secnond we had to write down a friends that was Matt.

Third we had to write a city the city was New York.

Last we had to write down a monster the monster was a vampire.

My group used those things and name's  to make a story. 

There was a haunted house in New York. "It is very scary," said Jack and Matt replied, "Yes, I am very scared." They both went through the black, creaky  gates open as they walked to the house they saw a Vampire lurking in the dark. They both screamed very loud saying, "Ahhhh! Its a Vampire!" And they both got torn to shreds but the vampire ran away because Jack’s t-shirt was cyan.Vampire hate light colour.