Thursday, December 3, 2020

Chunky Challenge

This wee our prefix is im meaning not. My D.L.O tells you what the parts of the word mean.


Advertising - Features

This week we did our advertising unit on Toothpaste.


Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Have you Ever

This week our poem is Have your Ever. Here's my D.L.O


Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Advertising Celebrity Endorsement

This week we look at how famous people are paid to support products they may not even use.


Art Colouring Book

 LI: To Experiment With Colours

This morning we tried one of this year's Summers learning journey. The purpose of this task was to experiment with colours by mixing colours from the original pallet with pop colours. This allowed us to recolour famous paintings or images of landmarks around the world. 

Chunky Challenge

This week our prefix is poly meaning. My D.L.O tell's you what the word means.


Thursday, November 26, 2020

Recount Raukura



  • Visitors

  • Reply

  • Simon Says

Have you seen a kapa haka in school before? When they started to do the performance Matua Kingi was blowing the conch shell, it was very loud. Then they went on the stage and then sang a song. Then they did

a performance with 2 poi’s. Then grabbed some sticks

and did another performance.

When they finished their performances we sang them He Honore as a reply. Then we went outside and played a game called ‘Simon Says’ but Māori edition.

The game was fun and until I had to go up to Matwa Kingi and do my pakana I was laughing.

When we finished the game, we played the game again. When we finished the two games of ‘Simon Says’ Māori edition

 Matwa Kingi asked if anybody wanted to ask some questions about the performances. Some people asked about the conch shell, the Patu Taiaha and teo, and  the kapa haka performances.

After that it was lunch time I thought the kapa haka performances

great  and when they did the stick performances it was

a really good job. 

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Chunky Challenge

This week our prefix is semi meaning part/half. My D.L.O tells you what the parts of the word mean.


Look Down

Here is my narrate. Can you tell what the problem and solution  


Thursday, November 19, 2020

Te Reo Maori - Volcanos

This week we did Te Reo Maori volcanoes.



This weeks poem we looked at personification. Here is my example.
This weeks poem is called Night.


Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Te Reo - Names

This weeks activity. Is Te Reo Names we had to translate the English names to Maori dictionary.


Athletics Day

Here are some photos from our athletics day.


2020 Blogging


Here are my blog posts that I have done through out the year. The most blog posts I have is September. That had 15 blog posts the littlest one that I have done is May. May had only 1 blog post.  If you what to now more keep on reading it because it's about Covid-19. So when it started to come to Covid-19 we all had to stay in lock-down  when we all went in lock-down we did some work but we couldn't do blog post  that's why we don't have April and January.  

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Chunky Challenge

This week our prefix is over-meaning too much My D.L.O tells you what the parts of the word mean. 


Today's Number

This term we are looking at 3 digit numbers I did well.


Procedural Writing

This week we learnt about the structure of procedural writing.


Thursday, November 12, 2020

Maniakalani Film Festival


This is my favourite movie we watched today. I liked it because it had music and guitars.

Chunky Challenge

This week our prefix is dis meaning the opposite.


Friday, November 6, 2020

Thursday, November 5, 2020

Problem Solution

This week we learnt about the structure of a narrative .(fiction-text).


Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Guy Fawkes Summary

LI: To use the words you highlighted to help you summarize the story behind fireworks night.

Today for reading room 5 came to LS2 so we could help them to summarize the story about Guy Fawkes. I was partners with Taheesha. For this activity we read the story and wrote down the important words then we wrote 20 important words from what we wrote down then we got to the main words and wrote our story explaining Guy Fawkes.

Thursday, October 29, 2020

Chunky Challenge

This week we learnt that ex at the start of some words means out.


Friday, October 23, 2020

Poem - Close Up

This week we had to do a poem and what we needed to do is chose a NZ bird I chose a Tui because it my favourite bird. 

hxefdh    edycgwduyc


Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Chunky Challenge

This week our prefix is re-meaning again.


Friday, October 16, 2020

Chunky Challenge

We are looking at what prefix and suffixes mean to help our spelling. 


Story Pyramid

This D.L.O show our comprehension activity for this week in reading.


Thursday, October 15, 2020

Poem-Term 4 week 1

We were looking at personification for our poem this week.


Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Term 4 Inquiry - Design Brief

This term we are creating a design brief for a game.


Thursday, September 24, 2020

Te Wiki o Te Reo Māori

Here are some facts we found out about Māori Language Week.


Visual Language

This week we looked at a book called Charlie's superhero underpants by Paul Bright & Lee Wildish. I looked at proximity for my D.L.O



Wednesday, September 23, 2020



This week we were learning the names of baby animal. I chose to do a DLO on a  dog. 

Monday, September 21, 2020

Visual Language

We are looking at static images. This week the image is from Voices in the Park by Anthony Browne.
I looked at salience for my DLO.


Thursday, September 17, 2020

Visual Language


We looked at an image from the book. Tiger by Nick Butter-worth.Here is a D.L.O to explain 
one of the element we talked about



An analogies compares two things.In our example it compares a relationship between two 
objects and  we can think of a match for the other object.

Wednesday, September 16, 2020



This was our Te Reo task. We needed to draw & label the parts of a wharenui.

Tuesday, September 15, 2020



We looked at homophones in our phonics this morning. Here is an example.

Friday, September 11, 2020

Hexagon Art

We looked at the work of Chandler Klebs. Then we
made our own art  using hexagons and alternating colours.

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Road Safety Quiz

Today we played a road safety quiz.I got have a go here


Here is an example of personification



Proverbs tell us little sayings that make a point . they are not always true

Monday, September 7, 2020



We use a hook to interest our reader in what we are writing about.
Here are some examples

Contents Page


We are learning about Non-fiction texts and how to find information. Can you answer the questions we wrote?

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Poem - I swim all day

 Today we read a poem and answered some questions. I got 10/10

Fire Safety Poster

We used canva to make a fire safety poster


Monday, August 10, 2020

Road Safety Mind Map


We have used Lucidchart to draw a mind map about Road Safety. We used the spider diagram template.

Friday, August 7, 2020

Animal Similes

Our D.L.O shows some of animal similes we learnt about today.